27 August 2009

Suck, Sucky and Suckier!

Today was the shittiest of shitty days!! Hopefully that means tomorrow won't go the same way *sigh* Heeeeeeuge dose of RPattzinol needed I think....in fact just a freakin hug would suffice.... from anyone...*pout* That lovely brother of mine loves me at least - he made me us kick-ass curry! Num num num!!

I have however been re-named by Troodles as "Rebecca Cruella Florentina Bertie Sharp"....I have no idea why, or what the hell she was on at the time, but it seems like good juice!! *wanders off in search of said juice*  

Bed for this grumpy beetch and to the laundry for my much loved blue stripey jumper!

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