26 August 2009

Happy Hump Day!

So we are half way through what is apparently going to be one of those fucking weeks! *sigh*  I'll confess - I've been snacking to pass the time *hangs head in shame* but the comments are now working!! I resisted the cake reward and doubled up on RobPorn instead! Mmm…….*eyes glaze over*. Ooo so yes, speaking of which, the mega-lovely Fire Crotch and Bitches *waves* very kindly popped my comment cherry last night! Thank you ladies - how was it for you? *chuckle*

For your mild entertainment, and in a bid to make Bitches actually pee her pants this time, I have cobbled together some BWP! (British Word Porn). A random selection….

Argy-bargy - pushing, shoving and fighting.
Bog roll - Roll of toilet paper
Cack-Handed - Clumsy (me!)
Chuffed - Proud, satisfied, pleased
Cock-up - Error, mistake (and "mildly vulgar" according to Wiki!)
Codswallop - Much the same as bollocks but less rude...(and so in my book less effective!)
Feck - Mild expletive, an alternative to fuck including fecker, fecking, etc. (A personal fave of mine, and "vulgar" according to Wiki!) 
Fringe - Slang for bangs (as in hair)
Get off with - To partake in passionate kissing and fondling (with RPattz?! *hyperventilates*) 
Higgledy Piggledy - All over the place, untidy, scatty
Knickers - Girl's/women's underpants...(I prefer "Undercrackers" personally)
Loo - Toilet (This word is a huge British favourite!)
Lurgy - An imaginary illness allegedly passed on by touch (perfect as an excuse to avoid people!)
Mardy or Mardy Bum - A grumpy, moody person (me when the alarm goes off! Also a personal fave of mine)
Minger or Minging - Ugly, dirty, generally gross!
Pleb - Quite simply means Idiot!
Pukka - Good, tasty, spot on

Enjoy dropping those in to random conversations for maximum effect! But now I'm tired and hungry and stopping at P! Lesson over for today class.....detention for you Mr Pattinson *wickedness*


Bitches said...

First off, I want to say that my first *time* was quite swell on my part. I left feeling completely satisfied and was delighted no walk of shame awaited me afterwards. I do hope you felt the same. heh.
Secondly, I must confess I have been naughty lately & have been neglecting my blog-reading duties, please forgive me.
Thanks for the fabulous BWP! I've never heard of some of them & hope to incorporate them into my daily vocab. My personal faves were codswallop (cause it sounds dir-tay)and feck, since it's so close to fuck which I adore using.

Bex said...

Well my first *time* was very excellent - it didn't hurt a bit!

No forgiving needed because you when you visit you leave me comments which I l.o.v.e! Hoped you'd like the BWP! I will complete the alphabet in your honor at some point this week! Feck is one of my faves and most abused *grin* The air by my desk is blue today...*shame face*

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