24 August 2009

Introductions and all that jazz!

If you are reading this then you have somehow managed to stumble, most likely by accident I suspect, in to the madness that is/will be my blog. Now your thinking "Oh Shit!". First impressions have always been (and will always be) sucky to do but I love a challenge so I'm willing to share my bare essentials. You are of course free to run, screaming as you go. But it could be warm n cosy if you stayed - sounds kinda nice huh? :o)

Rebecca to few, Becky to most, Bex to my bestest lovely people!  My birthday makes me an Aries & 80's child...it also makes me 25 (ouch!) Born, bred and living in Devon. Clotted cream, tractors, the...unique(!) accent and crazy farmers - oooo aaarr!

My job - it's not life saving or world changing but it's mine and I love it.

My friends & family - All highly amazing people, my constants, who continue to enrich my life every single day for which I love them trillions.

I love my iPhone, Edward Cullen, cake, night times, the casual look, lots of colours, optimists, my inner child, winter, my tattoos, mum's apple pie, being a deep sleeper, flip flops, big smiles, my converse all stars, travelling, stand up comedy, glitter and sparkly things, the smell of suntan lotion, photographs, my dad's crap jokes, pyjamas, a good book/song/film and Twilight!

I hate marmite, being poorly, queue jumpers, confrontation, fish (eating & swimming with!) soap operas, pessimists, information overloads, jelly, narrow minds, constant complainers, bugs, Sudoku, spam emails, bad hygiene, the always-eternal wait at baggage reclaim, noisy eaters, being interrupted, cold callers, men in speedos, shower radios, people who repeat themselves and raw carrot.

So this is me! One of a kind & gladly unique; made up of odd little quirks, moments of madness, some regrets, boundless love, a wicked streak, a glass heart, an endless amount of hope, a laid back nature, a hot temper, a healthy curiosity, bucketfuls of good humour, a few flaws, some kind of faith, a mild insanity, overwhelming passion, strong spirit, a sunny outlook, an open mind, pearls of wisdom, impulsive tendancies, mistakes I made and lessons I learned. By no means perfect and pleased as punch about it!

I don't bite so please say hello if your passing through because I'm a social little doughnut! Robsessed and a total Twi Addict I'll talk Twilight until the cows come home! Although being a "mature" fan, I cannot promise clean, cuss-free blogs!

If you got this far then you have survived my first blog post, which is no mean freakin feat! I urge you to stick it out......who knows, you might like it!

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