Well who knew! My dark side is apparently a whole fuck-load darker than I thought!
I love how Sunday is such a chill day.....you can mooch about without feeling an ounce of guilt. Fuck, you don't even have to get dressed!! *Yawns & stretches* For the record however I am showered, dressed and fed....I just plan to do nothing! Except partake in a trip to the movies tonight! But until then I am going to sit here and wonder where the strange pain in my left ass cheek/thigh has come from! If I didn't know better I'd say DurtyNelly unleashed Masen on me last night *smirk* but sadly I think it's just wishful thinking...*pout*. The uber lovely DN is penning 2 of the most freaking fantastical reads for which I would marry her tomorrow! You can check them out here and here but please be sure to heed her warning before you continue.
And Durty, if you are reading this my sweet then :-
Firstly - Last night's bedtime read was S & N. Holy shit I'm freaking hooked and loving it!!!
I love how Sunday is such a chill day.....you can mooch about without feeling an ounce of guilt. Fuck, you don't even have to get dressed!! *Yawns & stretches* For the record however I am showered, dressed and fed....I just plan to do nothing! Except partake in a trip to the movies tonight! But until then I am going to sit here and wonder where the strange pain in my left ass cheek/thigh has come from! If I didn't know better I'd say DurtyNelly unleashed Masen on me last night *smirk* but sadly I think it's just wishful thinking...*pout*. The uber lovely DN is penning 2 of the most freaking fantastical reads for which I would marry her tomorrow! You can check them out here and here but please be sure to heed her warning before you continue.
And Durty, if you are reading this my sweet then :-
Firstly - Last night's bedtime read was S & N. Holy shit I'm freaking hooked and loving it!!!
Secondly - Thank you for BATB update *squeal* Princess/Demon teamwork has me keyed up!
Thirdly (& most importantly) - I'll beg & grovel on my knees for a few hours with Masen! *blush*
*wanders off in search of a very cold shower*
*wanders off in search of a very cold shower*