11 February 2010

To the Batcave bitches!!!

At 3.00 today I hauled ass in to a meeting.  Whilst in said meeting, unbeknown to me, pure awesomeness was being lovingly hand crafted for me by a work colleague who shall remain nameless due to her super creative but highly innappropriate use of office supplies. *snigger* The above mentioned awesomeness was awaiting me when I got back to my desk, having been sneakily placed there in stealth ninja manouvres.


For all those times when work kicks your ass and you feel a breakdown brewing, there are days & colleagues like this - something little makes it all fucking worthwhile!!


Susie From ApplesnFeathers said...

It would be nice to have colleagues like this when I get out on the floor but I have yet to find anyone in this whole job that loves Twilight and RPattz as much as I do.

donnersun said...

Awwww! Bat cave love is the best kind of love. :-)

KinTheFlo said...

She's hired! I'm booking her flight this very second. Ahh..bex- you are loved! I wanna work with you & wonderous colleague.

And I love that card!

Anonymous said...

*giggles* that is awesome!!!

Angela Lynn said...

Gee Whiz just point the way, Batward!

(Side note: Has anyone done a Batward? Bwahahhah)

marie said...

Oh Dear God, I love me some Batman! And a Batman with Rob's face is just brilliant! I agree with cutie, we now need a Batward and then I can die happy.

tasha said...

Oh yesss...Batward would be nice.

Lucky Bex and her awesome co-workers!

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